Wednesday, 19 September 2012

"Used To" doesn't count

That's the thought which found itself in my head as I paused momentarily mid-air during the second of my over the bars incidents this evening.

It was one of those rides which started badly and rapidly pointed its nose downhill. 

After extolling the virtues of my Exposure 6 pack light to a work colleague today the back panel fell out following a slight bump through a gully.

Maybe that was an omen.

Something became clear though, that in the market of the present using past exploits as currency can count for nothing at all.

A lot of new riders now turn up for the Wednesday night ride, I'm just a lad who has started turning up and happens to know the decent riders. 

Sitting behind someone on either a climb or descent and thinking how much quicker I used to be, or that I used to beat the lads disappearing over the horizon on this very trail means nothing; Respect is earned

So, no more used to, it's all about the now

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