We all made the journey to Centre Parks in Longleat for a weeks holiday and I can say with some certainty that much fun was had by all.
I think 'holiday' is probably stretching it a little as we seemed to be constantly on the go, but that just made it more fun - how much can be crammed into each day.
A lot as it turns out, Center Parks, whilst time off work is definitely not a restful holiday, our chalet was pretty out of the way and we ended up walking around 5 or 6 miles a day.. me with a rapidly growing boy on my back in his carrier.. I didn't mind, it's easier than a pushchair and I can kid myself I'm getting a sly workout in.

Talking of slides.. check this out, that's Callum (aged 12 months) being sent down the slide meant for much older kids. We got a few stern looks from the other parents until they all noticed that Callum was laughing like a loon. We knew he would be ok.. he's liked swings and slides from the age of 4 months.. I think he has his parents love of fun.. Apologies for the pictures by the way.. taken on a rather rubbish disposable

So, Gym last night and self induced beasting on the treadmill.. I really should get a schedule put together
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